Her life has been permanently blighted by his heinous crime 他犯下的滔天罪行给她的生活蒙上了永久的阴影。
For this is an heinous crime; yea, it is an iniquity to be punished by the judges. 因为这是大罪,是审判官当罚的罪孽。
Thanks a lot Anil Kapoor for bringing this heinous crime to light. 十分感谢亚尼·卡普给这可憎的犯罪行为带来光明。
Created by the Japanese aggressors were inhumane and heinous crime have a lot of that in our homeland the village of small buildings have Japanese-made tragedy of evidence. 日本侵略者们制造的灭绝人性,令人发指的罪恶还有很多,在我们的家乡小楼房村就有侵华日军制造的惨案证据。
Man held by such concepts are he will not miss any one of a woman's little secret, even if women are at once committed a heinous crime before marriage. 这样的男人所持的观念是他不会放过女人的任何一个小秘密,即使是女人在婚前曾经犯下的滔天大罪。
I'd been standing outside for about half an hour when Joseph, the school janitor, came over to ask me what heinous crime I'd committed to be banished for so long. 就这样,我站在教室外面,大约半小时后,学校的大楼管理员约瑟夫看到了我,就问我究竟犯了什么弥天大罪要被驱逐出教室这么长时间。
What about the bomb and the misery and humanity's most heinous crime? 怎么不是炸弹,灾难和人类最可耻的犯罪呢?